What Is A Crown? 

A crown is used to entirely cover or “cap” a damaged tooth. Besides strengthening a damaged tooth, a crown can be used to improve its appearance, shape, or alignment. A crown can also be placed on top of an implant. Porcelain or ceramic crowns can be matched to the color of your natural teeth. Porcelain bonded to a metal shell is often used because it is both strong and attractive. Other materials used include gold and metal alloys. These metals are generally stronger than porcelain and may be recommended for back teeth. 

Why Do I Need A Crown? 

A crown may be recommended to: 

  • Replace a large filling when limited tooth structure remains 
  • Restore a fractured tooth 
  • Cover a tooth that has had root canal therapy 
  • Cover a dental implant 
  • Cover a discolored or poorly shaped tooth 

How Does It Work? 

Fitting a crown requires at least two office visits. 

Initially, Dr. Sallustio or Dr. Azizian will remove the decay and old fillings and rebuild the tooth, if needed. Next, he will reduce the tooth sufficiently to allow for porcelain and/or metal crown. An impression of the tooth will be taken and sent to the lab for the fabrication of the crown. The lab will use the shade of porcelain selected by the doctor which matches the existing teeth. A temporary crown will be placed to cover the prepared tooth while the permanent crown is being fabricated. 

On the subsequent visit, the temporary crown will be removed and the doctor will fit and adjust the final crown. The crown will then be cemented into place. 

Before & After

Case 1 – Anterior Implant Crown and Anterior Tooth Veneer